Backlink Ideas – Document Hosting Sites

Backlink Ideas – Document Hosting Sites

A quick note: I created a draft of this post weeks before the Penguin Update from Google.  While many people are still dealing with the aftermath of Penguin and Panda, building backlinks by syndicating your documents and articles via document sharing sites is still a...

Link Building Strategies: Google Image Search

Link Building Strategies: Google Image Search

In June of 2011 Google upgraded some of the search functionality of its Image Search.  One of the interesting new features was the ability to search using an actual image. So, instead of typing words into the search box, you can enter the URL of an image, browse for...

How To: Scan to PDF for Free

How To: Scan to PDF for Free

Today we are going to learn how to use free software to scan a single or multiple page document to a PDF. This is great if you have an old flatbed scanner laying around like I do. Danielle asked me if we could scan a document to PDF recently and I forgot I had a nice...

How to Run Disk Defragmenter as a Scheduled Task

Command Line Kung Fu I was trying to figure out how to run Disk Defragmenter from the command line on a SBS2003 box as I was not sure how to specify what drive I want defrag.exe to run on at a specific time. Turns out that you can just browse to defrag.exe...